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Hygienic justification of use absorbent Polyphan-K when growing piglets
The introduction of intensive livestock production technologies involves a significant concentration of livestock in a limited area, which contributes to the spread of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora and, as a result, the occurrence of diseases of farm animals. Therefore, it is necessary to develop highly efficient disinfection means to ensure a stable veterinary well -being of livestock, the efficiency of which should be investigated at the stage of development and selection of substances, since a significant number of currently now proposed disinfectants are toxic, immunosuppressive and have a distant impact on the body. The search for new, more effective and harmless disinfectants, especially complex disinfectants, has been and remains a topical problem of modern veterinary medicine. The materials of this article highlights the issues of substantiating the use of polyfhan absorbent in the process of growing pigs of large white breed of different sexual groups. For the first time, the normalizing effect of polyfhan absorbent on the microclimate indoors for growing pigs, their natural resistance, the intensity of body weight gain and the development of piglets and the development of erythropoiesis and metabolic processes in tissues, which have a positive effect on the conservation and intensity At a certain optimal dose of use- 50 g/m² of area, once a day for 7 days of the postnatal period. The use of the polyfan-K absorbent at a dose of 20-100 g/m² does not cause any side effects, but instead the conservation of pigs increases to 95-98 %, and weight gain increases by 18.8 %.The positive effect of the absorbent of Polyfan-K in production conditions on natural resistance of piglets gives reason to recommend its use in the process of growing pigs. The material of the presented studies is presented in «Recommendations for the use of the absorbent of Polyfan-K for growing pigs».
Key words: pig farming, piglets, hygienic justification, conditions of keeping, disinfectant, natural resistance, metabolic processes, preservation, growth intensity.
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